Are You Ready for True Romance?  

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Don't settle for mediocre love and romance from some lame reality show- find out how it really is. Live the experience of two old school Americans who thought that love had passed them by. But yet, somewhere deep inside, they had an aching desire that told them never to get up. You'll learn everything's possible if you believe.

True Love

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Select the answer that best describes you-

1. Do you believe that the only way to lasting happiness is through true love?

"Nah, that love stuff is for losers"
"It could be, I'm getting tired of all these empty relationships."
"I may be a dreamer, but I've always believed I would find my soul mate."

2. Are there innate differences between men and women?

"They differ only because society defines the roles men and women must play."
"Men and women are exactly the same except for a few different body parts."
"Men and women are inherently different and come together to be complete."

3. Do the "stars" on various reality shows seem shallow, pretentious, and sometimes downright pitiful?"

"I agree. They don't seem to realize that Junior High was over a long time ago."
"What do you mean? They're the coolest people on earth."
"Some of them do, but they're life is still more interesting than my own."

4. In your current relationship, do you have so called "great sex" (however you define that) but still feel unfulfilled?

"No, great sex all I need."
"Yes, at times it leaves me feeling empty afterward."
"No, because the sexual component is only one outlet for love."

5. Are you looking for something that will live forever- other than a vampire of a zombie?

"I want a love that's alive, not some fantasy about "dead things" that are alive."
"According to the movies, vampires and zombies have the best sex, so what gives?"
"Vampire love is just an extension of the true love that's possible."

6. What is your opinion of women acting like "tough guys" throughout modern entertainment media?

"It's important to portray women in non traditional roles."
"That's the way "real" woman are."
"It's pretty much a joke, but hey, if it makes them happy..."

7. Do you ever feel like telling some whiney little twerp, "Hey, would you man up?"

"How rude, it's important for men to question their masculinity."
"Only about ten times a day."
"I prefer to live out the macho male experience by playing video games."

8. What is your opinion of the "cool" people running around acting like sluts and whore mongers?"

"There always seemed to be something wrong with it, although it is supposedly quite the thing to do."
"I used to think it was cool, but now it seems rather pathetic."
"It's the way to be, man!"

9. Secretly, down inside, do you long to get out of the cesspool of wanton lust and find something better?

"Yes, but I'm afraid what my friends will say."
I still enjoy the life of a 70's porn star."
"I've always been ready- searching for that certain someone."

10. Do you or did you ever have deep feelings for someone but never told them because you were afraid of rejection?

"Yes, but I try not to think about it."
"What, who does that?"
"Yes, and I only wish I had acted on it instead of letting it slip away."

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You're pitiful!!! You
need to read my book...

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You're almost ready!!!
keep working on it...

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true romance awaits you...

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